Monday, December 26, 2011

How to Keep Your Cat From Running Out the Front Door

!±8± How to Keep Your Cat From Running Out the Front Door

Many pet owners worry about their cats bolting out the front door and getting hit by a car or never seeing them again. If you're worried about this, here are a few simple things you can do to retrain your cat to stay away from the front door.

First of all, you could retrain your cat to have a designated meeting spot with you when you get home. The spot should be at least 5-10 feet away from the front door.

When you come home tonight, don't greet your cat until you reach that spot. Simply ignore them until you reach that spot, and do the same thing with leaving. Say goodbye to your cat at the same spot and then go directly to the door and leave.

You can reinforce the spot with your cat by giving them their favorite treats or favorite toy in this location.

Another way to do this is to hang a shaker on the door that makes noise. That way when you are opening or closing the door it will make a noise that will scare the cat away.

There are also several electronic devices that you can use that will keep the cat away from the front doors well. These could either emit a noise or a spray to keep the cat away.

The nice things about these electronic devices is that your cat will learn quickly and odds are you won't have to use them forever.

If you're worried about your cat running out the front door use these simple techniques to retrain your cat so you no longer have to worry about them.

How to Keep Your Cat From Running Out the Front Door

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cat & Dog Ear Problems

!±8± Cat & Dog Ear Problems

Ear infections and other ear related issues are the leading cause of irritation for your dogs and cats. In fact, vets often see dogs and cats with ear problems that their owners didn't know about. When you have a dog or cat, it is imperative that you check their ears on a weekly if not daily basis. Dogs tend to be more prone to ear problems because we let them outside more often, whereas cats are often indoor pets. A vet will hardly see a day without any ear related issues for dogs and cats. Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty ears. In some cases, the ears can be infected to the point of swelling. Since these problems are frequent, it is important that all owners learn how to spot trouble and what causes that trouble.

The anatomy of your cat or dog is one of the major reasons they tend to have ear problems. The ears tend to attract parasites and microorganisms which our eyes can't see. When talking about ear problems, we are not talking about the visible portion of the ear like the ear flap. Instead, we are talking about inside the ear canal that allows the dog or cat to hear.

In rare cases, a blood vessel on the ear can burst to allow a large amount of blood to congeal in the ear. Surgery usually takes care of this outer issue, but this doesn't resolve the inner ear. The inner ear can be affected with several things. Water in the ear can be a main cause. The bacteria that live around water can get into the ear. Typically, a dog is more prone to water issues because they tend to swim, but if you bath your cat, the water could cause damage if it gets in the canal. The water has to get out somehow, usually through evaporation. However, if the environment doesn't allow for evaporation, the bacteria or other organisms can cause an infection in the inner ear. This happens when the water remains in the ear longer than it should. One of the reasons it can be detrimental is the growing of more bacteria. Bacteria replicates extremely fast.

So how do you treat an ear infection? Well, first you need to know that there is one. Then you can treat the ear infection with topical ointments that will kill bacteria. There are also sprays available if that works better for you. When the ear tissue is swollen then you need a little more help than just ointment. Antibiotics administered orally will help to gain control of a deeper infection. Most dogs and cats are going to be on this medication for ten days. In some cases, the topical ointment or spray can cause further damage. It is important that when you use these medications you clean out the ear canal by flushing. Flushing means that you place water at pressure to flush the puss and bacteria out of the ear. Flushing should be done by the vet. Most dogs and cats will not sit still long enough and get rather irritated with the procedures, so sedation works better.

Keep cat sickness, cat disease and complications to a minimum. In the most severe cases of ear infections, surgery may be your only option. The bacteria and other debris can be resistant to antibiotics and ointments especially if your dog or cat has had several ear infections. By offering surgery as a means of control, the vet can remove the infectious agent and even change the ear canal. The ear canal is small and sometimes imperfections in the growth such as a dip in the canal tube can make it more difficult for the bacteria to escape with treatment. Surgery can help to open up the ear and correct imperfections. Surgery can also remove any scar tissue as a result of ear infections. This scar tissue can help trap in the debris even more.

Cat care, feline care and dog care is of great importance. Dogs and cats tend to heal rather quickly from surgery and you can usually notice an improvement within a few weeks with their hearing as well as behavior. Most animals that have pain will have an altered temperament. This can be a sign that something is wrong. Even though the dog or cat may have surgery there is still a potential for other infections. It is up to you are the owner to make sure you are providing the best health care and proper visits to the vet's office. Proper care can include frequent washing of the ear surface especially after a day outdoors.

Cat & Dog Ear Problems

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Things to Consider in Selecting a Pet Door

!±8± Things to Consider in Selecting a Pet Door

Dog doors, often referred to as doggie doors or pet doors are miniature swinging doors that, installed in a door or wall, will allow your dog or cat access to the backyard without making it necessary for someone to let them in and out. This would be convenient for the pet owner because they do not need to be interrupted by their pet if the pet wants to go outdoors. Dog doors or pet doors are easy way to solve some pet-related issues such as indoor soiling or urinating. Some dogs have a hard time communicating when they need to go outside, they need to learn the skill to be able to communicate with the owner effectively. With, the dog doors install on your doors, you pet can go in and out of the house immediately. With the use of pet doors, you can also eliminate the scratches on your doors.

There is a variety of dog doors that is available in the market today. Pet owners will have plenty to choose from that would suit their preference and dog's need. What are the things to consider in selecting a door for your dog? In selecting a pet door, first you have to consider the size of your pet. The size usually ranges from small that could accommodate dogs such as Chihuahuas and Teacup Poodles, medium for dogs such as Beagle, large for dogs such as German Shepherds and extra large for dogs such as Rottweilers.

The next thing to consider in selecting a door for your pet is the type of door. The usual materials for these are thick plastics, vinyl and rubber.

Types of Dog Doors

Vinyl flaps. This type of door is made of heavy vinyl that can make entrance and exit for your dogs and stops other small animals such as rodents from entering your home.

Magnetic-locked door. This is like the top-hinged version, but with an added magnetic switch that keeps the door closed until your dog, wearing a small magnet on his collar, triggers the switch to open. This door cuts down on drafts so it's ideal for cold-weather climates.

Hinged at the top and swings both directions: this allows your dog to come and go, but has the drawback of allowing the same freedom to other animals his size or smaller.

Things to Consider in Selecting a Pet Door

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Monday, November 21, 2011

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things to Consider With Indoor Rabbit Cages

!±8± Things to Consider With Indoor Rabbit Cages

Rabbits that are kept indoors are often happy pets, as they are constantly getting the attention of human companions. They are also more secured as they are away from the dangers of harsh weathers and predators. However, it is important to get indoor rabbit cages that are comfortable and safe for your rabbits.

In order for your rabbits to be comfortable, you will need to consider the size of your rabbits when choosing cages. While the bigger is better, most owners are concerned of the space it would consume. However, an ideal cage for rabbits should be at least four times the size per rabbit. This takes into consideration the need for the innate nature of rabbits to hop about unrestricted. In order to gauge the adult size of your rabbits, you should research on the breed of rabbits you have so you do not end up having to buy a second time to accommodate their growth.

You would probably choose cages that are easy to clean. However, despite how tempting it is, avoid cages with metal wired floors that come with a portable pan underneath that eases cleaning. This kind of cages is dangerous for rabbits as the nails of the rabbits may get hooked and stuck, which may hurt them. Instead, an ideal cage is one with a solid base. You can cover up the floor with newspaper to ease cleaning and place a litter box inside. Having your rabbits litter trained helps reduce the mess. You may also consider cages with splash guards on the sides in case they urinate on the edges, which would dirty your floor.

Getting your rabbits in and out of the cage without harm is also one thing owners find important while choosing indoor rabbit cages. You should choose a cage with a top that opens so that you can correctly lift your rabbits without much struggle. If you are planning to let your rabbits roam in and out of the cages as they please, you should consider one with a large door so that your rabbits will be able to do so without difficulty.

While convenience to us owners is important, the safety and comfort of our rabbits are important too. Remember to consider these points when choosing indoor rabbit cages.

Things to Consider With Indoor Rabbit Cages

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